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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What’s Really Going on in Egypt

Aug 19 2013

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To find out what’s really going on in Egypt, read:

Egypt: Sit-ins? Or terror camps? What’s in a name?
at http://emperors-clothes.com/peaceful-sitins-not.htm

Here’s the Table of Contents to this article linked to above:

I. The New York Times and the State Department claim that
the Egyptian government says it is going to disperse ‘peaceful sit-ins’

II. Reuters claims that Egypt says it is going to suppress “vigils.”  Vigils?

III. Reuters, The New York Times and the State Department are all lying.

What Egypt’s Information Minister really said Egypt was going to do.

IV. Road-blocking 1: Erecting fortifications…

V. … with gun ports!

VI. Children, indoctrinated to be martyrs, used as human shields

VII. The media discovers that now, for the first time, gambling is going on here

VIII. Road-blocking 2: Traffic disruption, but even better because with automatic weapons

IX. Would the Brotherhood really physically attack people for holding different views?

Example #1: Worker seriously beaten for disparaging Brotherhood chants

X. Would the Brotherhood really physically attack people for holding different views?

Example #2: Video of three men and a boy taken prisoner and beaten inside the Brotherhood’s Rabaa encampment; photo of two men, tied up and beaten – possibly dead – also at Rabaa

XI. Would the Brotherhood really physically attack people for holding different views?

Example #3: Top Brotherhood leaders and doctors indicted for torturing policemen at Rabaa Square encampment

XII. Amnesty International report on torture and murder at Brotherhood’s Rabaa encampment

XIII. Amnesty Report masks role of Brotherhood leadership
Address : http://emperors-clothes.com/peaceful-sitins-not.htm

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