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Apr 23 2016

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As a New Yorker myself, I’ll begin this post discussing the New York primary, but you’ll see that it’s not a New York story, it’s a national one.

While in New York, it’s probably pretty well known that serious problems in New York on primary day (and before New York primary day with the earlier purging of 126,000 Brooklyn voters from the registration rolls) put “a cloud over these results”,

“A record-setting deluge of Primary Day voter complaints led Tuesday to the angry promise of a full-scale investigation into the city’s long-bumbling Board of Elections. The flood of gripes, running the gamut from locked doors to botched voter rolls, led irate city Controller Scott Stringer to announce an immediate probe of an incompetent agency. “Unfortunately in New York City, this is nothing new,” Stringer told a news conference some 10 hours after the polls opened — or didn’t — at 6 a.m. “The next president of the United States could very easily be decided tonight. “And yet the incompetence of the Board of Elections puts a cloud over these results. It’s time we clean up this mess.” . . . Mayor de Blasio issued a statement charging that entire buildings and city blocks of voters were among the 126,000 voters purged from the Brooklyn books since last fall.”

Source: Bungled NY primary voting brings Board of Elections probe – NY Daily News
Address : http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-primary-voters-outraged-broken-machines-late-polls-article-1.2606810

what is not well known, and not investigated by the corporate mainstream media, is how the huge discrepancies between exit poll data, which is used to confirm the integrity of elections, was wildly off on primary day in New York – and elsewhere – and this suggests that election FRAUD is at play, not just the incompetent administration of registrations and voting. See below.

“When properly conducted, exit polls should predict election results with a high degree of reliability. Unlike telephone opinion polls that ask people which candidate they intend to vote for several days before the election, exit polls are surveys of voters conducted after they have cast their votes at their polling places. “Around the world, exit polls have been used to verify the integrity of elections. The United States has funded exit polls in Eastern Europe to detect fraud. Discrepancies between exit polls and the official vote count have been used to successfully overturn election results in Ukraine, Serbia, and Georgia.”

Source: Probability of the 11.8% discrepancy in the NY exit poll is 1 in 236,000 according to mathematician Richard Charnin
Address : https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4fnau4/probability_of_the_118_discrepancy_in_the_ny_exit/

“CNN Exit Poll reported a four point difference between Sanders & Clinton with a 2.6 percent margin of error yet the reported results are 57.9 Clinton – 42.1 Sanders.  Exit polls have repeatedly shown Sanders wins in prior states (Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, Arizona) yet the results consistently do not match the final results even when the same polls are accurate predictors on the Republican side.”

Source: Huge Discrepancy Between Exit Polls & Reported Results in NY Democratic Primary Election | Election Fraud Watch 2016
Address : https://electionfraud2016.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/huge-discrepancy-between-exit-polls-reported-results-in-ny-democratic-primary-election/

“Exit polls provide remarkably quick data on elections that comes with a smaller and smaller margin of error as an election night passes, telling us who came out to vote for which candidate and why. . . When polls closed in New York on Tuesday, exit poll estimates showed Bernie Sanders trailing Hillary Clinton by only four points. That eventually got adjusted, but it was the most recent example of a poll showing a number that ended up being way off the final result.”

Source: How exit polls work, explained – The Washington Post
Address : https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/04/22/how-exit-polls-work-explained/

“CNN has some explaining to do today about its exit polling. . . CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said that exit polling had Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders by only 52-48. . . As the vote came in, it became clear that the exit polling was way off. Clinton ended up winning by what appears to be a large 58-42 margin. . . It made you wonder how in the world CNN’s exit polling was so wrong.”

Source: CNN’s exit polling is suspect; Trump ignores Buffalo and Paladino in victory speech; Benigni blasts Ryan – Talkin’ TV
Address : http://talkintv.buffalonews.com/2016/04/20/cnns-exit-polls/

“Shortly after the polls closed on primary election night in New York, CNN made a bold prediction. The network’s exit polling showed Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders locked in a tight Democratic primary race. Clinton’s win would be close, said anchor Wolf Blitzer: 52 percent to 48 percent. Less than an hour later, that prediction was as laughable as the famous headline from the Chicago Tribune on Nov. 3, 1948, announcing that voters had elected Thomas E. Dewey as the next U.S. president. . . Another aspect is the paucity of discussion over what went wrong at CNN. I don’t know the answer . . .”

Source: The Real Story of the New York Primary: Beware of Big Data | The American Lawyer
Address : http://www.americanlawyer.com/id=1202755752375/The-Real-Story-of-the-New-York-Primary-Beware-of-Big-Data?slreturn=20160323101414

“The initial overall exit poll, +4 or +5 Clinton, was outside the margin of error for the final result, Clinton +16 with 99.6% reporting. I have attempted to contact Edison Research for a response. Yesterday afternoon, I was patched through to the voice mail of Joe Lenski, co-founder and Executive Vice-President of Edison. He has not responded and other calls and emails have also gone unanswered.”

Source: New York Primary: Why is Exit Poll Data Adjusted to Match Final Voting Results?
Address : http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/04/21/new-york-primary-why-is-exit-poll-data-adjusted-to-match-final-voting-results/

Here’s one voter’s election fraud story:

Alba Guerrero was dumbfounded. She’d arrived at her polling place in Ozone Park, Queens, only to be told that she had been registered as a Republican since 2004. That was news to her. She remembers registering to vote for the first time as a Democrat so she could vote for Barack Obama in the general election in 2008. . .But on her way out she saw a Board of Elections worker holding something with her name on it. It was her 2004 voter registration, replete, she remembers, with her name, her social security number, her birthday—and someone else’s signature. I said, ‘Excuse me, that’s not my signature,’” she said. “It’s not my handwriting. It showed completely different signatures.” Sure enough, the signatures are strikingly different. Next to a box checked “Republican,” her 2004 signature is written in clear, deliberate, legible cursive and includes her middle name. Her more recent signature is a loopy, illegible scrawl. She insists she’s never changed it in her life, and says she can produce old tax forms to prove it. . . Guerrero calls the whole incident “creepy.” She has “no idea” who might want to forge her signature on a voter registration form. “It’s just disheartening. We’re supposed to be the number one country in the world, but things like this you’d imagine would happen in a second- or third-world country,” she said. “What happened to me, basically, was fraud.” Repeated calls to the New York City Board of Elections went unanswered at press time.”

Source: Failure, Fraud and More In New York’s Punk Rock Voting Disaster – The Daily Beast
Address : http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/04/19/failure-fraud-and-more-in-new-york-s-punk-rock-voting-disaster.html

This post doesn’t address other, visible, problems with the U.S. Presidential “Election”, such as how voters registered as “independent”, which make up approximately 40 of the electorate, are being locked out of many state primaries, not permitted to vote at all.

Source: Closed primaries, ‘warped’ democracy? – CSMonitor.com
Address : http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2016/0421/Closed-primaries-warped-democracy

The U.S. is not a democracy.

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