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Archive for: April, 2012


April 5, 2012

A.    YOU’RE BEING LIED TO IN THE KONY 2012 VIDEO – WHAT THE TRUTH IS & ONE OF THE REASONS WHY YOU’RE BEING LIED TO: Here is some must reading about Kony 2012, the most popular video on Youtube ever, seen by more than 100 million on the internet.  The video is actually tricking you […]

Economic Warfare Sanctioned by US Against Yet Another Country’s People

Yesterday, I posted about how the United States was intentionally wrecking Iran’s economy and making all its citizens suffer.  Today’s post is about how the International Monetary Fund is intentionally wrecking Greece’s economy.   You see it’s not only in Tunisia or Tibet, India and Pakistan where people are desperate enough to make political statements by […]

United States’ Economic Warfare Against Iran

April 4, 2012

Those of the 99 percent know what it’s like to suffer under the current economic conditions.  How do you feel about the United States intentionally wrecking another country’s economy to inflict such suffering on all the people (the grandmothers & grandfathers, men, women and children) who happen to live there? “The Iran sanctions effort led […]

Secret Memo on Vitamins from Pharmaceutical Gang (April Fool’s Day)

April 1, 2012

Many people have read many media reports about many dangers of many vitamins.   In keeping with the media’s current standard of accuracy (and noting the date of this release), here is an information leak. Confidential Memorandum from the World Headquarters of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators and Reporters (WHOPPER) Most Secret: Your Eyes Only Distinguished members, […]

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